Tuesday 28 September 2021

Interviews as research method

Sharing this TEDtalk by Dave Isay as many of you (module three) are approaching interviewing  as part of your research methods or thinking about using interviews as a method (module two). 


Remember on this programme of study we are all engaging in QUALITATIVE RESEARCH, inviting participants to share their experiences with you on a given subject area (the area of your research) so that you hear a different perspective, learn from the experience of others, consider new opinions in relation to you own and those of the scholars you are engaging with. Interviews in qualitative research are not a place to ask direct questions in order to get answers. 

Interviews are invitations for sharing stories...

What are your thoughts?


  1. Wow! What a truly inspirational TED talk and amazing human being! Thank you for sharing Helen. I think it's amazing how people turn their "hurdles" into creating something that drives them into something else with such strength and compassion, which is exactly what he did with his Dad, and how we heard on the example interviews as well. I hadn't thought to approach the interview process with this kind of attention to really listening and valuing each story.I think by approaching the interviews with a greater understanding and time for each person to listen carefully can definitely spark more authentic answers. Story Corps has really inspired me!

  2. Thank you for sharing this Helen. I wish I had the opportunity to have "interviewed" my father before he died, something that I wish I had taken the time more to just sit and listen! I’d love to read that book about the hotel in America, sounds fascinating!.
    One thing I have noticed about doing my interviews so far is how different everyone experience of the same thing is! There are a few similarities but everyone has answered the same questions with a different spin. And weirdly even though my participants are colleagues and good friends of mine actually, their answers are a lot more in-depth and interesting than they would be if I had just had a casual conversation over coffee?
    Thank you again for this blog

  3. This is such a beautiful concept, thank you for sharing! I found myself welling up listening to people's interviews and that only proves how important and potent interviews like these are. I was recently interviewed by Katie in Module 3 and can definitely relate that it's a great feeling being listened to, and can help you speak about and learn about things you didn't necessarily realise about yourself yet. I'm nowhere near decided yet on what my method of research will be, but when I come to choose I will certainly revisit this video in consideration of interviews.
