Friday 8 October 2021

Writing, accounting, narrating...

 After the great sessions with Peter and Sam this week, I've been thinking a lot about writing and the roles it plays, creatively - being part of artistic process, academicially - a way of articulating experiences through reflection, and wondering about other relationships that people have with writing. 

I wanted to share this TEDtalk from Writer, Sakinah Hofler, sharing her experiences of Creative Writing as Bearing Witness to experience.



What are your thoughts?



  1. this was a very interesting watch. I personally have a journal that i write in everyday about what happened during my day. I have been doing this since the pandemic started in march 2020. so i personally related to writing down what you witness. Only once i watched this talk i realised that creating writing can be anything. this has opened my mind to how i write my essay's for this course. Since starting M3, any idea or question that comes to mind i write it down no matter what. then i'll go back to it and add some things or write more questions that i am discovering. This has helped with my underconfidence with writing academically and eased my anxiety when i have many overwhelming thoughts about my enquiry question. Thank you for sharing this video. Chloe

  2. Hi Helen,

    I found the call last week on Writing very informative and interesting. I would definitely like to incorporate Free Writing into my study to elaborate my inquiry ideas and research.

    I have blogged my notes and thoughts from the call:

  3. What a powerful video. It was interesting to hear her talk about similar techniques that Peter and Sam have mentioned (ie. writing things down quickly as a way to begin writing). I could relate to this as someone who has collected data too. We are all storytellers, and I have really enjoyed interviewing people who were so willing and open to share their stories. Thank you for sharing :)
