Tuesday 12 October 2021


Today we had a discussion about Literature - what that looks like in terms of the kinds of resources we call literature, what the role of literature is within research and learning, what the role of literature is within the different modules of study on the BAPP programme, searching techniques, respecting the body of work that is behind a single article we may pick up, acknowledging the work of those you engage with through citation, developing discussions with the work you are engaging with (not reading to 'back up' your own thinking, or to grab a quote!)...

The session was recorded and is on unihub for your reference - those that were a part of the discussion please do blog your thoughts around this, examples of how you might try engaging in conversation with a piece of literature you are interested in...


  1. https://ellieowen28.blogspot.com/2021/10/the-role-of-literature.html

    Hi Helen,

    Thank you for this call, I found it a really useful discussion. Whilst continuing to research and explore literature I will be aware to continue acknowledging the authors body of work, exploring different pieces of literature by that one writer and appreciating their background and influences.


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  3. Hi Helen,

    Found this session really helpful. I'd never thought of all the different formats you can find Literature in. I look forward to discuvering more. https://indianalc.blogspot.com/
