Tuesday 19 October 2021

module three - data and analysis

 Today we had a discussion about data and analysis with a Module three focus.

Emily and Alice shared what 'data' - material, information, thoughts, opinions gathered through field research feel like for them, they noted assumptions they may have been making about their area of research, their own bias and expectation as well as unexpected surprises from the data.

Recognising your own assumptions, challenging your expectations is all GREAT RESEARCH - This opens the door to you re-considering, thinking differently, being pushed further in your own learning - this is the intention of research and the crux of this programme!!

The process of analysis is about stepping back a little and letting your research speak to you... ALL OF IT (not just want participants said in interviews) listening, reading more, listening, questioning further, listening and acknowledging what you are learning from your research.


We spoke about the need to ensure YOU are in your research - Pedro suggested coming back to your Module One work to remind you of how you were positioning your professional practice, and to remember that your BA degree is in YOUR professional practice - not the subject of your inquiry.  It is about what you are learning about your practice through the process of the research inquiry.


Some questions to consider...

How is this process changing your practice? 

How might you come to your practice differently as an impact of undertaking the research?

What shifts in your thinking are you noticing?

 How is your practice evolving?



What are your thoughts?


  1. Thank you for sharing this, as i wasn't able to join yesterdays discussion. This is really helpful and has cleared and restarted my way of thinking, which is very helpful. i think its very easy to get bogged down on the task ahead and forget why we are doing this research in the first place. the advice to remember this is about OUR professional practice not just the inquiry question has really helped me look at the bigger picture. This process of doing a BA hons has changed my view of my professional practice a lot more than i thought. i have more questions now and want to explore curtains ideas further. I think its the acknowledgement of the research im taking in that i haven't done a lot of yet so i will definitely now start to take a step back and reflect more on on what i have been researching. Many Thanks Chloe

  2. Thanks Helen, just reiterating what Chloe said there, this is really helpful, especially the questions at the end. Answering those has opened up so much and made me realise how much my thinking has evolved over the course of three modules. I'll make sure to catch up on the skype I missed.

  3. Thanks for this blog Helen, I've caught up on the call as I wasn't able to join but I have blogged about it here https://georginaknightbapp.blogspot.com/2021/10/catching-up-with-module-3.html As Shelley said, one of the biggest things that I took from that call was how much my approach to learning has changed throughout the modules and how this has helped me in my own reflection of my practice.
