Wednesday 17 February 2021

Open Discussion Groups

We had two great discussion groups today with people for across all three modules contributing to the conversations. 

In the morning we spoke about 'research', literature - sources more broadly, ethics around the information you have access to, credibility and aknowledging the value of discussions to help us question our own assumptions, see things from another perspective to our own and so broaden our learning rather than seeking to continue to simply affirm what we already know, or think we know...

I was reminded of this TEDtalk from writer Chimamada Ngozi Adichie

What are your thoughts?

This evening we scratched the surface of some pretty big areas: creativity (an offer of one example of writer Amy Tan speaking to their process below) and ethics. 

We talked about processes of interviewing - to invite conversation and who and why we want to have conversations with, and about how significant feelings and the recognition of these in our learning is important in module one as we identify three areas, but also as we continue to shape and be shaped by our experiences. We touched on (and we be great to hear more Gabrielle, Paul on this) our sense of Self and how that guides, impacts our way in the world and is constructed through our experiences.  



I look forward to hearing more as you continue the conversations taking further the areas that felt significant to you...


  1. Absolutely, I found the discussion very interesting, I was able to question myself on my own thoughts regarding self and vulnerability. How I see my own vulnerability from personal experiences. I have made a blog on this :) I look forward to developing my inquiry further to formulate questions that are centred around my professional practise.

    Thank you

  2. Hi Helen, Thank you for your blog post. I have written a blog and related it to The Danger of a Single Story.

    I look forward to watch the TedTalk all about creativity.
    Many thanks!

  3. Just watched the 'Danger of a single story', I found it absolutely fascinating how we go about our everyday with these single assumptions of people, places. How we create these formed singular stereotypes without even consciously being aware. We are all guilty of manifesting a single story from one book we've read or one case we heard on the news, we can be ignorant to the alternatives that tell a different story. This is great to blog about

    Thank you

    1. I've just written a blog on this subject matter :) x

  4. Thank you for linking these Ted Talks. I have just watched 'Danger of a Single Story' and found it to be a really valuable video that left me wondering if I have ever created a single story of something? Her example of 'American Psycho' to challenge the idea of a single story was very witty. She sarcastically answered back to an individual who was making an assumption and had ultimately created a single story, the reply being that just because she has read American Physio does not mean that she thinks all American men are serial killers, she has not created a single story because she also reads the likes of Steinbeck.

    Thank you, Ellie

  5. Hello everyone,
    here is my blog from the discussion talks, I really enjoyed being able to reflect on all the modules now I am on the final one and perhaps aid some module ones about where you could start if you are struggling to. I know I was at this stage.

    A few weeks ago I came across one of the ted talks while reading the handbooks ready for the start of term and wrote a blog about the danger of a single story talk.
    I would love it if you could take a read of the and add what your points of view about my ideas towards them.


  6. Hello, Thank you very much for linking these TED talks into your post. I've just listened to the one about a single story and I find it so interesting. Despite being brought up to always reflect on how other people may be feeling I'm sure in my life I will have created single stories almost unknowingly. I believe so many factors can contribute to the formation of a single story in your mind but it is something we should actively be trying not to do.
    I really enjoyed the discussion group too and found it very helpful. I'll link a recent blog post of mine about topics we discussed and have mentioned about the discussion of creativity. Thanks again x

  7. Thanks for a great group discussion last week! Some of the topics brought up by the module 2/3 participants has got me thinking about some interesting concepts to include in my module one 'areas of learning'. I've been looking at links between vulnerability, self-confidence and strengthening oral communication since some of these topics were discussed in the session. I'll be posting a blog about what I've found shortly.
    Thank you again!

  8. I have found these TED talks insightful and very interesting, thank you Helen for linking them. I think that watching 'The Danger of a Single Story' it not only made me question the assumptions I make day to day, but I also realised how relevant it is to my inquiry and the ethical considerations I make within it.
    I must ensure that I am not projecting a single story in my work as well as in everyday life. I very much enjoyed the discussion group last week and look forwards to reading the blogs of other students linked above here :)

  9. It was really interesting hearing everyone's opinions on creativity. I have written a blog on creativity here. Thank you

  10. thank you for your interesting infomation. Allo Talk
