Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Late night coffee house discussion group...

Last night we covered a lot of different areas mainly looking at the 'things' that are supportive of, integral to, make up the portfolio of work to be submitted for Module Two and Three. 

We talked a lot about 'things'...the professional artefact, the gantt chart, MORE forms and critical reflection.  I asked those who were a part of the discussion to blog what they felt the conversations we had were really about, if they removed the 'thing' itself as something needing to be done and instead looked at the value and relevance of what the 'tings' are and why they form part of the portfolios you are asked to work towards for the modules.

Some suggestions were to look at the process of creating a professional artefact, as a means of communciating the inquiry process within your field of professional practice.

To consider how a gantt chart may offer you a structure in the form of a time frame to help the progression of your inquiry within the context of the term of study of module three. 

The importance of the ethics of your research being integral to your professional practice not just a form to complete. Looking at how you might use the MORE process as a way of helping you to ask the questions you need to address as you plan your inquiry so that the MORE form and your proposal are working in relationship with each other.

We came to the point of the Critical Reflection at the end of the call, considering how this is a useful way to look back on your learning through the module you're on, and as you move onwards through Module Two and Three, recognising and making the connections between the modules in terms of how your understanding of process and practice has developed.  It is important not to see things in isolation as you move through each module, and the programme as a whole, but to look at the relationships between the 'things' presented, be that in the tasks or components of the module submission, the literature, the data you gather...

Beverley, Harry, Charles, Andrew, Sophie, Jess and Lee do comment below with your blog posts and further thoughts on the discussions...


  1. Thank you for the Skype call yesterday on 26/03/19. It was to hammer out some key points and hear some ideas from others.

    Here is my blog post in response to yesterday's Skype call. I look forward to reading everyone else's blogs. Many thanks. Jess

  2. Hi,
    Thank you for a great Skype and thank you to everyone. It was great to discuss so much and gave me much to think about.
    Please see below my blog on my thoughts following the call. I look forward to reading others:

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