Tuesday 26 February 2019

Twilight open discussion group

Some great conversations last night at our open discussion skype.

We had people from each module and conversations moved around reading and learning, finding and recognising pathways, making choices to inviting others to share their experiences through interviews and organising information. Whatever module you are in these ideas are relevant and will emerge in some way during the process of your study/learning.

Others that were on the call please comment here with the link to your blog post so that we can continue the conversations.

A reminder to others, that these open discussion groups are a really valuable way to talk to each other, share learning across the modules and speak to others who have perhaps been through the process you're going through now, learn from the reflections on learning from others in the same module as you, or just be open to an alternative perspective.  


  1. Hi Helen, thank you so much for a great Skype conversation. It was great to hear from others over the programme. Anyone is free to check out my blog post following the call on the below link;


  2. Thank You Everyone for an insightful and enjoyable discussion my notes can be found on my latest blog.

  3. Thank you for the Skype call, it was so nice to know where everyone is at.


  4. Sorry this is a little delayed everybody - but please feel free to look over my blog!
    Thanks, Laura

  5. We didn’t have this written on our schedule that was sent out at the beginning of term, how did people hear about this one because I don’t want to miss any others?
