Tuesday 20 November 2018

Synthesis of information through Reflection

We had a good skype session yesterday with a module one focus. We looked at the notion of synthesis :

noun: synthesis; plural noun: syntheses
  1. 1.
    the combination of components or elements to form a connected whole.
    "the synthesis of intellect and emotion in his work"
    synonyms:combination, union, amalgam, blend, mixture, compound, fusion, coalescence, composite, concoction, conglomerate, alloy; More
    combining, unification, uniting, merging, amalgamation, conglomeration, weaving, interweaving, reconciliation, marrying;
    "this painting is a synthesis of elements derived from a variety of different types of ancient art"
    • Grammar
      the process of making compound and derivative words.
    • Linguistics
      the tendency in a language to use inflected forms rather than word order to express grammatical structure.
  2. 2.
    the production of chemical compounds by reaction from simpler materials.
    "the synthesis of methanol from carbon monoxide and hydrogen"
We talked about how we might look at our practice as being made up of several components, each a part of the whole, and how through reflection on our practice we can begin to bring the information of the parts together as a whole thing. It is important to do this, not only for your essay in this module, but more broadly as a way of making connections between things, and better understanding the contribution of different parts of you/your practice to something bigger, fuller.  Parts of your practice allowing you to see the whole practice with more depth and meaning, your practice as a part of the wider picture of the profession you identify it with.

Those on the call please do comment here with links to your own blogs so that we can take these conversations further...

1 comment:

  1. I have found this discussion call really interesting and has helped me understand better how ultimately the different components within are practice must fuse and come together to give true significance to our practice title.
    From this discussion I have also been able to make a mental note that while I am working on my essay, at the end, I should have a connected product and not just one point following another.
