Wednesday 9 February 2022

Programme Voice Groups - Meet your Student Voice Leaders (student reps)


A notice to invite you to connect, share feedback, offer positive learning experiences, express concerns as we continue to review and improve the BAPP ACI programme

The Programme Voice Groups (PVG’s) are one of the main formal channels of communication between staff and students. in order to support the programme. They are a forum in which students (through the Student Voice Leaders) and staff working and talking together can constructively discuss areas of good practice as well as areas needing improvement, with the collective aim of enhancing the student experience. Student and Staff should both be given assurances they will not be penalised for raising issues at a PVG.

PVG’s occur each term and your Student Voice Leader will ask for programme feedback from you to report to staff at the pre-meeting to develop and agenda, for the issues to be addressed at the main meeting. You will also be given feedback from both staff and the Student Voice Leaders on the outcomes of the feedback.


Your Current Student Voice Leaders

Logan McQuillan email:

Ellie Owen email:

The next Student Voice meeting is  March 21st 2022


Do get in touch with Ellie or Logan no later than March 7 for your views to be heard and represented at this meeting.



  1. Hi Helen,

    Thank you. I have posted a blog on this, if anyone would like to contact me, please do so!

    Here is my blog:
