Monday, 28 September 2020

Module One focus - seeing your practice-self

 Great discussion yesterday - thanks to all who contributed. 

We had a module one focus and talked about some of the lenses introduced in the handbook as a starting point for discussions of how we look at and reflect on our practice. 

The debate moved around Web 2.0, the use of social media and the impack of it on arts practices,  Ethics, the ethics around social media, image, consent, representation, cultural differences and talking about Race, appropriation, casting (re)casting in relation to professional productions and personal experiences.

 We talked a little, and it would be great to hear you continue your thinking on this through your blogs, about the importance of acknowledging and questioning of assumptions. This involves looking deeper within your Self and your own practice as well as looking around you to the work, practice and writing of others. This is at the heart of module one as you work on Establishing your Professional Practice, not to come to fixed singular definitions of your practice, or of constructs that come into question, ethics, race, communication, but to question to learn more.

Look forward to your conversations moving on from here - please do comment below with your blog post in relation to this discussion..

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Discussion Group

Great to see and hear from so many of you across all three modules in this evening's discussion group on Skype.

I've summarised here the main areas I noticed within the discussion, it would be great to hear what you took from it all, further thoughts and questions that may have emerged for you all through your blogs.

Main areas:


- questioning yourself, your own assumptions, intentions, bias

- questioning others - why? Not to answer your question but to open a space for discovery, sharing of experiences - see the TED talk below looking at interviewing as sharing stories.

- Little wonders - be curious!


- looking at past patterns, habits, processes 

- understanding through critically unpacking an experience

- keeping a reflective journal



- literature - the reading list and KORTEXT for each module

- beyond the literature, other sources, people, places, other artists

- you - each other - the BAPP community


Do share your blogs from this discussion in the comments here so that we can find you and continue the conversations and questions.

Monday, 7 September 2020

New term


Welcome to all new starters and returning students on the BAPP ACI programmes this term!

We look forward to an exciting term ahead with you.

Term starts on Monday Sept 14th so this week is all about getting ready, settling back in to your studies. Make sure you had made an appointment to have your first meeting of the term with your Supervisor - this is particularly important as we recognise many of you are having to adapt to new working environments and for some of you the impacts of COVID-19 may have meant significant shifts in your professional practice. 



We have our Welcome skypes this Friday (3pm and 6pm - BST) and Saturday (3pm and 6pm - BST) please sign up via Adesola's blog to comment on which session you will attend - you need only attend one.

Please do not email us to say you're coming, the call groups are made from those who have commented on the blog only!

The Programme Handbooks for 2020-21 are now available for you on your Unihub programme pages, along with the BAPP schedule of events, including dates for skype discussions and seminars this coming term - please make sure you download these and diarise dates for yourself this week.Your module handbooks for guiding you the specific thinking and activity for each module will be on Unihub for you from Monday Sept 14 for the start of term. 

Please note that Adesola and I have new email addresses this term - specifically for students on the Professional Practice programmes - please do use these from now on.