Thursday 28 November 2019

Being vulnerable in your research process...

Being in the midst of your research can be daunting, but don't step away from it. Try to embrace the vulnerability of the process. Your research is yours, based in your own professional practice. You are present throughout it. Try to communicate this when you share through your written submissions and artefacts. Accept that you don't know all the answers...GREAT, accept that the journey is more interesting and allow yourself to be in that in-between space between knowing and not knowing. This is the beauty of study, of research, pushing yourself beyond what you know and being ok with the vulnerability of not-knowing.

Last night's skype talked about connections and how we are in relationship with our research, how we feel and sense our experiences through this process. In module one you are situating yourself within your professional practice, in module two developing areas of wonder to travel into through designing a research inquiry that has relevance to you and your professional development, in module three you are the practitioner-researcher, you are at the heart of your inquiry. Try not to overlook the significance in that as you begin to communicate your inquiry process through your essay, presentation and artefact.

Those who were a part of the discussion please comment here with your blog addresses:


  1. Hi Helen, I found this call extremely insightful and it has really helped me with my thoughts and how to present my work.
    Please see below my thoughts through my blog;

  2. HI Helen
    I remember starting module one with absolutely no idea of what I needed to do. I am now close to finishing it with a very good understanding. Learning to ‘go with the flow’ was spoken about in our Skype call, which is definitely something I need to embrace. Not having the answers can be quite intimidating but if we allow ourselves to be open to the process , all we can do is learn

    Thanks for another great Skype call. I have blogged about it here:

  3. Hi Helen,
    This has resonated with me in such an profound way. I have been worried about starting Module One and not being on the right track and trying to do a million things at one time, however this video taught me that I need to accept my vulnerability and embrace this new beginning.

    I loved this quote from the speaker:
    'you're imperfect and wired for struggle but you're worthy of love and belonging.'

  4. Really interesting talk and makes me realise I need to 'lean into the discomfort' more and 'embrace my vulnerability' especially when it comes to blogging. Thank you for posting Helen.
