Sunday 13 May 2018

A note on drafts...

As you've been busy writing, we've been busy reading your drafts and offering feedback on them... the feedback is just that - an offering, some thoughts, suggestions, further considerations, questions to encourage you to move on, delve deeper, gain more clarity in the communication of your ideas. 
It is important to recognise that these are not 'corrections'. We are not telling you what is 'wrong' in order for you to correct it and make it 'right'. The idea is not to draft (send for corrections), make corrections (send another draft) await further corrections...etc...sending multiple drafts to be 'marked' until the essay is 'perfect'.

In giving feedback on your work we are offering professional advice from experience, a critical eye/ear, an alternative and additional perspective to your work. We are not telling you how to do it, or when it is 'right'.
The process of developing your work is just that ... 'a process'. 
Something to be re-visited (a draft is not a finished piece of work), re-considered, re-thought along the way in order that it might grow and develop with you. Most creative projects are not linear in their development, most are not 'done' on first draft, first sharing, most are not 'easy' but they take that first sharing to invite others views which may offer something more to your own thinking and perspective. You don't have to take someone else's view as 'correct' or more knowledgeable then your own and amend your thinking, your writing accordingly, but you should be open to re-thinking when you encounter an opinion which questions, challenges or pushes your own a little.
Keep questioning, editing's all part of the process and only you will know when it says what it needs to say...Trust yourself!!

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