Monday, 5 September 2022

Changes to your Programme Team this academic year

We hope you have all had good restful/busy/productive summers as needed!

As we approach the start of the new academic year and your next term of study (week 1 begins on Sept 12th with Welcome and Welcome back sessions Tuesday Sept 6th) we wanted to let you know that we are really pleased to have Dr Sam Murray taking over the role of Programme Leader for the BAPP programme for 2022/23. 

Pedro De Senna will remain as module leader for ACI 3611 and supervisor on the programme and I will be focusing more on the MA programmes for this coming academic year and my own studio choreographic practice, so supervising only module three students this term.

We are also pleased to have Dr Astrid Bernkopf continue with us as component leader for DAN4630 ETHICS, and we welcome Sarah Sulemanji and Kate Rogan, both experienced lecturers in our dance dept to the BAPP team this term. Sarah and Kate will be taking on the supervision of some of your research projects in module three. You will get to meet everyone at your Welcome / Welcome back sessions this week and we all look forward to a great term ahead with you!

Who to contact :

For Programme Updates please get into the habit of checking Sam's blog weekly.

For issues related to admissions, progression and finance please contact Sam.

To arrange supervisions, send drafts of work (as outlined on your schedule) please email your supervisor.

To discuss your Ethics process, status of your MORE application, please email Astrid.