Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Open discussion group CANCELLED

 A note to let you know we have had to cancel the Open Discussion Group scheduled for this evening.


Do connect with each other through your blogs, social media groups and of course contact your supervisors for further discussions as you move forwards with your work to submission.

Friday, 25 March 2022

Performance Workshop next week!

A great opportunity open to all MDX performing arts students next week if you are close to, able to get to our Hendon Campus, London. 


please do get in touch with Pedro via email if you have any questions p.desenna@mdx.ac.uk


Performance for Futures Workshop


Wednesday 30th March 10:30am – 12:30pm



GROVE Building, Studio 4   (it’s in the third part of the Grove building – over the glass walkway bridge and past the dance studios)


View Map


This workshop will be run by two performance practitioners, who are very keen to work with students in other disciplines, and will create a safe space for non-performers and performers alike to explore and express themselves.  


The objective of the workshop is to stimulate you to consider your potential futures in ways that will support your personal and professional development. This will be done using techniques from drama to help you imagine your own future possibilities and feel empowered to start thinking about reframing your assumptions and embracing the complexity of your (im)possible futures in the real world.


For any of you who are thinking forward to what you might do next year, or after graduation, this workshop will give you some wonderful tools for self-development and creative exploration - and you will get to mix with students from the other programmes!   


If you would like to learn from the tools and techniques of another discipline to help your creative self-development, do sign up by 7:00pm on Monday, March 28th on Eventbrite (here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/futures-tickets-300884442467) for Wednesday 30th March 10:30am – 12:30pm (only if you are available and do not have scheduled classes).

Thursday, 24 March 2022



As drafts of work come in this week - please do ensure you take time to engage in the feedback process thoroughly by instigating feedback using the feedback discussion form. 


Sending simply an attachment to an email with no feedback form and no email text in some cases, is both unprofessional and shows a lack of engagement with your learning/feedback process. 


A reminder for Module two's you should be sending in your draft proposal - Your Supervisor does not need your participant info form, consent form, ethics form etc, these are all uploaded as part of your MORE application and Astrid will be feeding back on these to you.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022


 A note on the MORE application process 

You should all be sharing your completed MORE applications with Astrid Bernkopf this Friday - this does not mean it is finished and ready to submit to the ethics committee, it means you have had a go at completing the whole application and shared it with Astrid for feedback.

After Friday Astrid will feedback on your MORE applications (NOT INDIVIDUAL EMAILS) with comments for you to attend to and re-submit the application - if needed Astrid may contact you to discuss something further before you re-submit. 


Please consider the ethics of your own actions in this process - should you be asking someone else which boxes to tick? Or asking yourself the questions the MORE form is posing and taking time to consider what your response may be in relation to your proposed inquiry.


Please note that Astrid's name should be given as the PI/Supervisor on all of your MORE applications as it is Astrid that needs to see your application on Friday and oversee the Ethics process with you. 

Please do refer to the recording of the ETHICS session Astrid gave in week 5 - this was very thorough and is on unihub for you as a guide to refer back to.

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Change of Schedule - MODULE THREE session this week

 Module Three students 

there has been an unexpected change to schedule this week

Please note that the session scheduled:


Tuesday March 15th  

ACI3633 Module Three focus

The central place of analysis, synthesis of information through reflection

5pm (UK)



Will now take place on 


Thursday March 17th 9am (UK) 

The session will be recorded but please make every effort to attend live in order that we can have a discussion about your reflections on data and buidling analysis

Feedback Exchange


As we approach the time in the term when you are preparing work in draft form to email to your supervisors to initiate a conversation on that work in order to support you in developing the work further and ready for submission in May, I wanted to share this established Feedback Response process pioneered by dance-artist, maker, scholar Liz Lerman - if you are not familiar with her work do look it up!!

Liz Lerman's Critical Response Process is widely acknowledged and used in dance and making contexts but also in practice-as-research, oepn dialogue and scholarly conversation. 

Do, take a look and consider some of the principles of this process in relation to the process of your draft work submitted for feedback and how we advocate on this programme for a Feedback Exchange between student and supervisor...

REMEMBER this course is about developing your independent learning and you finding your own voice in your work and practice - feedback is not about asking if your work is 'right'



do share your thoughts...

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Literature Review

 We had a great session with Sam, talking us through literature reviews for Mdoule two this week

 - the recording is on unihub for you now if you missed it... 


 sharing this snapshot reminder of what we mean in academic terms by Literature and Literature reviews...  

 Look at what has gone before you...who else has been interested in and written or spoken about the same topic you are interested in??
