Saturday, 30 September 2017

Process - Connections - Cycles

Doing - Reflecting - Reading - Articulating - Doing - 

Reflecting - Reading - Articulating  - Doing - Reflecting - 

Reading - Articulating - Doing - Reflecting - Reading - 

Articulating - Doing - Reflecting - Reading - Articulating - 


I've been thinking this week about processes and how we engage with them interactively. Rather than being passive to what's around us, what we do, how we do it, I've been observing how we can actively engage in our learning. 

The cycle above is an easy reminder and it's the ' -' and ' ... ' that I find most interesting. The spaces between the 'things' is where I believe the most juicy learning takes place. In improvisation this is 'the gap'; the moments between clear reference points where you are a little suspended, not knowing...the momentary pause between breaths.

The process of learning is interactive and connected and moves through fluid on-going cycles. So learning for me is the flow to be in, rather than the 'thing' to do, to achieve. 

As you start each module of the programme take some time to notice and think about where you are in the flow of your learning. Notice the 'gaps'. Start to observe the rhythms of your daily life, work, practice, study, home, and how they connect through you. 

How do you make connections in your practice, beyond your practice?
What is the map of your practice, the network, how do you move through it? 

Saturday, 16 September 2017

BAPP on Twitter

New term and some new social media networks to stay connected through...

Follow us on Twitter @BAPParts for quick updates and reminders and sharing of articles and videos we think might be of interest to BAPP students.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Approaching the new term...

Hi, just a quick hello and short introduction ahead of starting the new term with you all...

I'm Helen and I'm one of the advisors on the BAPP programme.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all through the Inductions:

New Students:
Friday Sept 15th, 5-6pm (London time)
Saturday Sept 16th, 2-3pm (London time)

Returning Students: 
Saturday Sept 16th, 3.30-4.30pm (London time)

Please sign-up for these inductions by visiting Adesola's blog and state in the comments which Induction you wish to join.

Please make sure you have made a contact request through Skype with Adesola ahead of the Induction you wish to join, saying 'Hi this is (....) on the BAPP programme':

Adesola's skype contact is:
